Minggu, 25 September 2011


chiffon red blouse

this is MISSLOLA new arrival vol 9..after im off online for about 4 months during my pregnancy, now im ready to back ONLINE..yippie..hope all sold out fast,amien :)

Jumat, 16 September 2011


i shoot this watermelon, my favorite food during this pregnancy :p


its me n hubby,,while im 5th months pregnant :)

Selasa, 13 September 2011

birthday gift

my mamma its getting bday...me and my siter is so confused what were buy for her...mama itu penggemar panci dan alat memasak lainnya...sempet kepikiran beliiin panci, tp ga gaya bgt yah...kmrn2 sempet liat bros lucu @ my fav place to shop GRANDE..ak aja mau bros nya,,jd kayanya mama juga bakal suka deh *pede...tp masih mikir2 juga sih.. masi ada waktu buat miikir walopun mepet yah..klo dulu suka beliin mama bunga di wastu kencana, tp kayanya bosen dan udah layu dibuang deh...any idea people???? :)

street style

add some colours in your outfit..its brings the mood and cheers u up... ( via : whowhatweardaily.com)

baby crib

isn't its so cute? the patchwork blanket thing..made me remembering my grandma :"(...now im just hunting a c rib for my baby :) (via : madebygirl.blogspot.com)

Minggu, 11 September 2011

hallo..been a long time

udah lama ga nulis blog...so many news...tp sebelumnya minal aidzin wal faidzin yah..maaf lahir bathin..

the biggest news is that now im 6th month pregnant..doain yah lancar sampe lahiran,amin...i just cant wait till 7th month, karena menurut ortu jaman dahulu..baru usia kandungan 7 bln boleh belanja..hehe, lagian kmrn di usg katanya cowo, tp dokternya belum yakin..karena waktu itu usia kandungannya masi 4 bln, smoga aja nanti pas 7 bulan jelas bgt ya keliatan...kalo cewe hello kitty, kl cowo doraemon..hahahha (obsesi emaknya)...

my life beens so great after all...makin hobby menghias rumah..someday i will uplload the photos (newest design)...dan knp baru bisa blogging lagi, karena baru pasang internet, maklum rumah digunung baru skrng telefon pun bisa pasang di daerah sini..hahhaha, kinda funny i live in bandung padahal yah :p...eniwei im still runnin MISSLOLA..the sales been great..this year im also traveling a lot then i used to..and thank god my baby just doin okay even i travel a lot...

setelah lebaran ini, baru skrng akhirnya ada di rumah lagi, setelah 1,5 bln d rmh mama +mudik..rasanya menyenangkan ada di rumah..walopun kemaren bersih2 ampe pegel2...hahhaha... duet maut bersih2 sama suami..but i love this home so much...

well wait for my new photos of MISSLOLA coll, or my life,love,family, friends, food and anything i loveeee
