Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

day 2 in february

gong xi fa cai..bener ga sih not chinese, but i loved holiday..because my husband will have a day off..hehe..kadang bosen d rmh sndiri, even though i always have lots to do, but its just so boring that no one can talk to...jd seneng kl libur, aji ada d rmh soalnya..jd ada temen ngobrol..its been about a month n half...well so far i loved being married, hope theres always happiness.. ^_^....

this weekend @ sunday my friens will come & visit us, i woul made some rujak & bakso..girls day pokonya..smoga jadi ya..soalny br nova yg udah ksini, anak2 pony lainnya blm ksini...kangen2 an, dan ud lama ga curhat2 an, its must be great !!!!!

today i made tumis kangkung, sambel tomat, sama tahu goreng..yg gampang2 aja, lg males ni masak yg ribet..hehe.. thank god he eats anything i cook..hahahaha

eniwei,i love my life

gong xi..gong xi :)

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